In the past 5 years of PriceSquawk interaction with the trading community we have learned one good lesson – there is a big gap between professional trader development and retail trader development. Through our interaction with both retail and professional traders we also have a pretty good idea which sort of trader tends to stick around and prosper in this competitive industry, and a lot of it has to do with the traders training. Proprietary trading firms train their traders (the pros) through specific trading drills. These drills teach new traders more about market dynamics and trade management than typical trading education provides in a year. So using our own experience with prop training programs and interaction with prop traders we have created the Prop Shop Trading Exercises program. This program includes comprehensive advice on market selection, trading tools and preparation before guiding you through practical trading exercises used by the Pros. Each exercise helps develop practical trading skills used by the pros, as well as presenting trading tips and ideas that can be used to develop your own trading edge.
Prop Shop Trading Skill Development
These exercises will give you the foundations to trade any market like a pro. You will learn how the market auction process operates from the bottom up, and the skills required to participate in this auction. This is a game changer for new traders who traditionally learn a ‘market theory’ instead of ‘trading skill’.

We talk about which markets to trade and when to start the exercises. Also what sort of committment is required to learn to trade?

Foundation Exercises
5 Trading exercises to change the way you think about markets. We discuss common pitfalls of rookie traders and additional drills to resolve them.

Systems Exercises
Bigger picture trading exercises to bridge the gap between the trading ‘drills’ and strategy development. Learn to think and trade systematically and consider relative value.

Going Forward
After weeks and / or months shaping a professional trading mindset, what is next? How do modern influences affect these tried and tested trading techniques?
Currently we have a total of 5 foundation exercises and 2 systems exercises. They are being added to the website in stages since were originally going to be delivered in an eBook format. Further multimedia content will be added on demand such as videos, webinars and more.
So lets get started: