Sierra Chart covers all your needs as trader, with impressive performance to boot. The platform is designed for efficiency and ease of use, and designed from the ground up to perform on modern multi-core CPU computers. Sierra Chart has been trusted by investors/traders/clearing firms for more than a decade. These are some of the many reasons we have integrated PriceSquawk to the Sierra Chart platform.
PriceSquawk actually runs as a separate process to Sierra Chart, accessing it’s data via the industry changing DTC Protocol server which allows high speed data exchange between the two products. What this means is PriceSquawk subscribes to Sierra Chart as a data provider, which allows you to benefit from audible markets and use your trading platform for what it does best – trading.
Sierra Chart incorporates all the of the features you require as a trader:
- Charting
- Trading
- Studies and Indicators
- Drawing Tools
- Multi-broker support
- Multiple data provider support (at great prices)
Sierra Chart also has built in footprint charts, TPO charts and a highly configurable DOM. Check out the screenshots below and visit the Sierra Chart website to get started with a free trial.
Sierra Chart Screenshots
TPO Profile Chart

Footprint Chart

DOM Configuration