Watch the latest PriceSquawk video demonstrating Audible Markets for Day Traders. Hear support and resistance, icebergs, volume flows and price-action and how to put it all together.
PriceSquawk Blog
I am absolutely stoked for RobinHood aka LoneWolf who just got funded with TopStepTrader. It is an outstanding accomplishment working through five Combines to get there.. and what a great interview and cool person – I suggest everyone check it out on the TopstepTrader Youtube Channel. ..Read More
With a little experience you will notice your ability to pick up on market conditions quickly and intuitively with a glance at the DOM or Tape. Whether it be the size and refresh rate of the bids and offers, the speed of the tape whipping by, or the back and forth of the prints.. as [...]
The following is taken from our 1st Quarter Newsletter – TheSoundTrader Squawk Search for a Trading Edge A lot of traders spend years trying to find a derived systematic edge to beat the markets whether it is mathematical for arbitrage trading, algorithmic for systems trading or analytical for technical traders. Aspiring traders sacrifice a lot [...]
Focusing on the tape, or the DOM is one of the easiest ways to avoid the processes that distort and filter the market data before we make decisions with it. By observing the raw price and volume action you are getting the most direct feedback loop for market cognition. This is possibly why most successful derivatives traders only need these simple tools to trade successfully. ..Read more
John Grady from No BS Day Trading has been trading for a living for a decade, and has experienced a few prop shops in his day. He was one of the first to introduce ‘Order Flow Trading’ to the retail trading world, explaining market behavior from an Order Book perspective. In this interview John discusses his early experiences trading ..LISTEN TO INTERVIEW